When I was told I’d get the chance to review the Samsung Galaxy S9 from Samsung Jamaica via their Marketing Liason, I thought to myself ….I must be dreaming….
Well, the jokes on whoever in Jamaica hasn’t upgraded to the S9 as yet!!!
At first glance, the bewildering number of updates as laid out in Built for the Way We Communicate Today: Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ would make the mouths of many a Jamaican water with delight. Despite this, I have discovered that, after spending a few weeks with the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+, the design is identical to the Galaxy S8, making this more of souped-up “S”.
Still, it does boast a new, high-powered camera that many Jamaican amateur photographers would appreciate as I’d pointed out in Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ is for Jamaicans who love Photography.
The power of the dual-aperture shutter in a more robust metal alloy frame hints at pleasure unbounded for the Jamaican lucky to have one of these smartrphones in their clutches…..
So I took up the offer to review Samsung’s latest offering. The take-away is simple; there are more than a handful of things that I liked about Samsung’s latest offering. Here’s my story in a few pictures, each of which is worth a thousand words!!!
Samsung Galaxy S9 – The Packaging is top notch
The packaging for the Jamaican versions of the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ opens up like a single door gull wing Lamborghini Marzal, but just on one side.
Getting inside is a fairly complicated affair, as you have to carefully snap back the top cover before opening up the inside, as the phone is packed on top.
Interestingly the SIM card removal pin is nestled behind the packaging….I almost lost it while pulling apart the intricate layers of this Matryoshka doll setup of a packaging.
Inside as you can see you have a mini USB to micro-USB converter….
You may have noticed that I’ve already taken out the charger, which is a micro-USB to nano-USB connected to a USB power supply.
Very handy Samsung …..and I must say nicely designed with a touch of Adaptive Fast Charging!
The box below in the image opens up to reveal AKG earbuds with a pair of earbud replacements…..again these are very convenient touches from Samsung as identical replacements are hard to get!!!
Both the speakers and the AKG earbuds are a big upgrade on the S8.
Finally we’ll get to the meat of the matter, the Samsung Galaxy S9 itself. But folks, my full hands-on review is for another article ….as I slowly pull apart layer after layer of this Matryoshka doll by opening up its Mercedes 300SL gull wing doors!
The post Samsung Galaxy S9 Hands on –Matryoshka doll in a Mercedes 300SL appeared first on Geezam.com.